CQ Investment Group has received the CFI Best Practice Award 2022 for "Outstanding Contribution to Social Improvement Global". The decision was based not least on the "educational programmes of the CQ Investment Group, through which orphans and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds have been supported for 20 years".
Furthermore, according to CFI, CQ Investment Group is "one of the most socially active investment managers in the world thanks to its pioneering work in ESG investments and microfinance." A key role is played by the impact investment platform "Vision Microfinance", which was already launched in 2006 by the CQ subsidiary Impact Asset Management (IAM). Through this hub, investors are brought together with microentrepreneurs who are denied access to conventional financing due to regional, economic or social conditions. To date, 2.5 million microentrepreneurs and their families worldwide have received loans worth US$ 2.33 billion through Vision Microfinance.

Andreas Wimmer
Member of the board